Baby Formula Lawsuits


Changing Unsafe Practices

Formula manufacturers like Enfamil* and Similac* create high-calorie, cow’s milk-based products designed especially for premature babies. However, these products’ labels list no warnings, guidelines or instructions regarding the NEC risk in premature infants. Many hospitals and NICUs now use these products to supplement infant feedings, either in place of or along with breastfeeding. Several parents whose premature babies passed away or required surgery are now filing lawsuits against formula manufacturers for failing to warn them or their doctors about potentially deadly NEC complication risks. We are also representing parents whose preterm infants had surgery because they developed NEC and are experiencing long-term consequences.

We are the first law firm in the country to sue the makers of Similac and Enfamil alleging that these products are associated with an increased risk of NEC. We hope to change the unsafe practices of offering cows’ milk formula to preemies who have an increased risk of NEC.

Cow’s Milk-Based Formulas and NEC

Studies show that breast milk decreases the risk of NEC, while cow’s milk-based formulas increase the risk of NEC. Why aren’t mothers told of this risk to their babies? The most vulnerable human beings are not being protected.

Watching your preemie suddenly become very sick from Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a disorienting and frustrating experience, especially as many families are left struggling to find answers to a number of different questions they have about their legal rights and options in this situation. At Levin, Rojas, Camassar, and Reck, LLC, our staff understands just how much an injury can impact your family’s life and, as such, want to help you find the answers and guidance that you need. That’s why we have put together the following collection of questions our clients frequently ask us, along with their answers, in order to help you get the information you need when you need it.

Get The Justice You Deserve

If your baby was injured or suffered from NEC, please contact us. We can seek justice for you and your loved ones. Together we can make the NICUs safer for preemies.

Due to a lack of warnings to consumers regarding the risk of NEC to premature infants fed cow milk-based formulas and fortifiers, many children were necessarily put at risk. If your child developed NEC after being fed formula act now by requesting a free consultation. Our legal team at Levin, Rojas, Camassar, and Reck, LLC. is committed to providing competent and aggressive legal representation. We offer free consultations on your child’s Necrotizing Enterocolitis/Baby Formula claim.


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